Saturday, December 31, 2011


Mom is greatly improved today.  I am surprised, but I can only guess it is in the unobstructed flow of oxygen and replenishment her body's electrolytes.  She was up before we came downstairs.  She helped in getting dressed.  She ate all of her breakfast.

We planned an outing to the second Assisted Living home I selected as a possible residence.  I explained where we were going and was very direct that it would be a place for her to live.  She seemed to understand.  Gary and I drove her over there.  We showed her the available room, made sure she had a chance to visit with another resident who also attends FRA two days a week, and watched her reaction.

I finally asked her if she would want to live there and she said she would.  On the return home, she commented on the three bright lights on the hillside - which were sun reflecting on three separate houses on the hillside.  She not only perceived the exact number but spoke of it clearly without hesitation or gaps in her sentence.

I don't know that she will move there.  She probably would fit in.  She may not get enough stimulation for it to be interesting, but I think it is a nicer situation than what she has now.  By that I mean the living room, bedroom, and dining room all have windows with more interesting views than what she sees from her apartment.

I doubt she will remember anything about it tomorrow.  And by the time she is to move - if in fact she does move there - she may not want to do it at all.  But today was a good day.

I take what I can get.

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