Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Experimentation is the One Way to Deal

I am trying something this morning.  I spoke with the social service worker at Pioneer's Home about chances of getting Mom in there and as we talked, she mentioned it could be the dark that is throwing Mom off.  Well, it is now 8:44 a.m. and still dark outside, so there is something to that.  Neither Gary nor I have been crazy about the adjustment to the mid winter dark, but Mom went into an advanced state of dementia within a year after moving here.  Having lived at mid-latitudes for nearly 80 years, she is totally confused by the light/dark ratios in Fairbanks.

So am I, but that is an entirely different story.

So, I went down today and turned on two lamps and the TV.  The idea was to signal morning in the way I do on weekends and holidays, but also to give her advance warning of the time.  Her sleep is already disturbed, things are happening ... it's just an idea and since others before me have experimented with ways to help their elders along, I figure it is worth a shot.

I also asked her to be kind to Pam and let her get her dressed and in the process, unwound her oxygen tubing which had become tangled in her legs.  I notice she is sleeping more stretched out, so the pain must be subsiding from the UTI.

I will let you know how it goes ...

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